Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library
感人的聖誕節故事─小氣財神《聖誕歌聲》(A Christmas Carol)
Mickey Cartoon
Hi, I am June living in Hong Kong. Welcome to my Blog. I am a cheerful, helpful, and friendly girl. I like eating, sleeping, drawing, watching TV, and reading comics. I'm a secondary one student studying at ICQM. It is an international music school. I like my school and I have many friends there. I study and play piano everyday because they are my responsibilities of being a student.
Complex Sentence
What is story?
Story is a piece of writing that describes a chain of related events. Every story is about one or more characters trying to deal with some sort of difficulty.
What is a story map?
A story map is a map that helps writer organise the story by focusing on characters, setting, plot; i.e. events that starts with beginning, rising, climax and ending.
What are the eight types of plot?
Plot can be defined as the arrangement of narrative events in a story. It is usually organised in such a way as to create interest and involvement for the reader. It also helps to establish and emphasise causality. There are usually eight types of plot mapped by writer to devise the sequence of events in the story. They are usually arranged from: